常用范文 > 《安全伴我行》国旗下的讲话范文


发布时间:2022-10-08 10:59:45




  Dear teachers, dear students,

  Hello everyone! I am ______ from Class 2 Grade 8. The topic of today's speech in our country is "Safety with me".


  On September 5, a 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck Luding, Ganzi, Sichuan Province, killing 82 people, missing 35 and injuring more than 270. In the past summer vacation, 29 students have drowned. Under this shocking data, how many families have lost their joy, how many relatives are in pain, and how many flowers of life have fallen forever!


  For anyone, there is only one life, we must pay attention to safety. Safety is everyone’s business. If we do not pay attention to safety, ignore the hidden dangers of safety, treat life as a child's play, then the results will be terrible. For us students, if we have more self-protection, we will have a green card to safety.

  为此,我们应做到以下几点:To this end, we should do the following:

  (1)遵守交通规则,骑车规范佩戴头盔,未满12岁的同学不能骑自行车上路;(1) obey traffic rules, wear helmets rightly, and students under 12 years old are not allowed to ride bicycles on the road.


  (2) plan your work and rest time and take more physical exercise or healthy exercise

  (3)讲究饮食卫生,养成良好习惯;拒绝使用三无食品;少吃零食,不喝生水;(3) pay attention to food safety and develop good habits; refuse to use junk food; eat less snacks and do not drink dirty water.


  (4) learn to save and protect yourself and improve the ability of safety at home. Point out all unsafe behavior as often as possible.


  Safety is the most important. Let's take positive action to form a strong thought that "everyone cares about campus safety" in the whole school. We must always keep the alarm bell ringing and safety in mind.


  My speech is over, thank you!
